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Laura Bacic, November 22 2024

What Do You Wear To a Heels Dance Class?

What do you wear to a heels dance class? This is one of our most frequently asked questions from our beginner students!

Luckily, this question is a lot simpler to answer than the accompanying question: what kind of shoes do I wear to a heels dance class? If you’re looking for the answer to this question too, we have a whole blog post dedicated to it.

Clothing for Heels Dance Classes

At the end of the day, your goal should be to feel comfortable in a dance class. We always tell our students to wear clothing that they are comfortable in and that is easy to move in. Clothing that you would wear to the gym is perfect!

Sometimes you will be on the floor in a heels class, so we’d also recommend either wearing long pants that cover your knees (leggings) or bringing knee pads to every class just in case. 

Form fitting clothing is also ideal so you can see your shape - heels dance is all about the shape of your body, so you don’t want to cover up your body too much with baggy clothes! Baggy clothes are also a potential tripping hazard. When you’re doing floor work, your heels could get caught in baggy shorts or shirts while you’re maneuvering the floor. For these reasons, we’d recommend sticking with form fitting clothing as a beginner!

Shoes for Heels Dance Classes

We have a whole blog post dedicated to this topic, but if you’re a beginner going to your very first heels dance class, just bring a pair of shoes that you already own! Fall booties with a chunky heel are a great first class shoe option. Even sneakers work! Don’t stress too much about the type of shoe when you’re starting out, and give yourself some time to make the perfect heels purchase.

If you’re ready to upgrade to real stiletto heels, check out our blog post for recommendations.

Heels Dance Class Outfit Inspo

Maybe you’re looking for a little more guidance than “wear your gym clothes to a heels class.” We got you!

Heels dance classes are all about feeling your best, and this is different for every person! Let’s explore some typical heels class attire categories.


You can’t go wrong with a classic look for a heels class. Think all black, simple, form fitting clothing - a black bodysuit or black leggings and top. The classic option is perfect when you don’t know the vibe of the class you’re attending. It goes with everything and you will likely feel your most confident in this option due to its simplicity!


If you’re feeling more risky, you might want to explore a sexier heels class outfit. This category of clothing is most popular nowadays, but can make newbies feel intimidated. It can consist of bra or panties, lingerie, or a clever mix and match of classic clothing with more revealing pieces.

If you’re hoping to wear something a little sexier, we’d recommend trying to dance in this outfit at home before showing up to class. There’s nothing worse than wearing a brand new revealing outfit to heels class and realizing five minutes in that your tiny top is falling down (hello nip slip) or that you constantly need to fix a wedgie. These wardrobe malfunctions will get you in your head and make class less enjoyable for you, so test it out first!


Lastly, consider a more adventurous outfit option for heels class! This category encapsulates so many options: bold colours or prints, eclectic pairings, skirts or dresses… the list goes on. If you love having all eyes on you, this might be your clothing category! Think of it like this - heels class is your fashion runway, what will you wear to stand out?

Check out some heels dance class outfit inspiration here:

Help! I’m Scared To Go To a Heels Class

It’s easier said than done, but just remember that everyone in class is focused on themselves. Just like you are worried about how you might look and be perceived, we can guarantee that even the best dancers in the class are also thinking about themselves. Hopefully remembering this can be freeing!

If going into a studio class is still too much, try online heels dance classes first from the comfort of your home. Our online heels classes are taught exactly like our in person classes (and the combos are the same), giving you the class experience without the pressure.

Dance with Bloom

Bloom is located in Ottawa, Canada, and we are dedicated to providing quality heels dance classes for all levels that allow dancers to connect to their sensuality in a safe space. Our classes are both in person and online.

Written by

Laura Bacic

Older Online Heels Dance Classes To Connect With Your Sensuality
Newer How To Get the Most Out of Online Dance Classes